The Howling Girls
World premiere
by Damien Ricketson and Adena Jacobs
In the weeks following Sept 11, five young women present separately to hospitals in New York with identical symptoms. They are unable to swallow, and believe that some debris or body part from the destruction has lodged in their throats. The surgeon who examines them finds no obstruction.
The Howling Girls is a new chamber opera dissecting the medium and metaphor of the voice, its loss and attempted reconstitution. A solo voice constricted, wheezing, stammering, in decay, a teenage chorus of howling girls, an absent mass, an unearthly theremin, a spectacle of fragmented bodies and voices. A sublime aural and perceptual encounter.
Damien Ricketson
Musical Director
Jack Symonds
Adena Jacobs
Set & Costume Design
Eugyeene Teh
Lighting Design
Jenny Hector
Sound Design
Bob Scott
Jane Sheldon
The House that Dan Built
Grace Campbell
Kittu Hoyne
Kiri Jenssen
Emily Pincock,
Jayden Selvakumaraswamy
Sylvie Woodhouse
The Howling Girls is supported by Creative Partnerships Australia through Plus1
stream now
Bay 20, 245 Wilson St, Eveleigh
60 minutes
Press Reviews
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Vocal Mobbing & Prelanguage
An interview with Damien Ricketson, composer of The Howling Girls
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General Inquiries
SCO, Carriageworks
PO Box 3035 Redfern, NSW 2016
Postal Address -
SCO, Carriageworks
245 Wilson St Eveleigh, NSW 2015
Resident Address - (02) 8571 9106